Uncover the secret to reaching ELs without the struggle of thinking you need to plan multiple lessons 

My complimentary consultation “Lead ELs to Progress Without Overwhelm” is for you if:

  • You’re constantly spinning the wheels to try and change your teaching in order to help ALL students in your classroom/school, including multilingual learners 
  • Your school doesn’t have a consistent and effective approach to teaching and reaching ELs in the regular education classroom
  • You often feel like “fish out of water” and  you’re not doing enough because you can’t seem to figure out how to consistently teach with ELs in mind. 

The thing is…

💡 We tend to think that the EL students are only the EL teacher’s responsibility when really it is this division into “yours” and “mine” is what’s holding you back.

💡This is why you can’t seem to have a breakthrough with student outcomes and inclusive culture.

💡My clients go from overwhelmed and frustrated to inspired and confident when they finally decide to say yes to learning about teaching and reaching multilingual learners in their school.  

In this free consultation - Lead your ELs to progress Without Overwhelm” you’ll quickly  learn how to: 

✔️Pinpoint the root causes of your struggles in reaching multilingual learners in regular education classroom so you can become aware of what needs to be changed

✔️Gain clarity on how exactly collaboration between EL and regular education teachers can help transform the culture of reaching multilingual learners in your school

✔️Go from overwhelmed and frustrated to inspired and confident when you finally decide to say yes to learning about teaching and reaching multilingual learners in your school.  

✔️In addition, you’ll uncover how my clients create a system of serving English learners in the classroom that could bring you so much more clarity, meaningful collaboration AND improved student outcomes. 

Schedule your $0 consultation Lead Your ELs to Progress Without Overwhelm below 

*** If you cannot find a time that works for you, send me an email at hello@simplyieva.com***